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We allow 30 minutes to come and collect your dog from us.  If you are going to be longer than this, please arrange prior to dropping off.  Longer than 30 minutes we do charge £5 per 15 mins over this time. We are more than happy to message you 15 mins before we are finished, to allow you to turn up without extra charges. 


Pre-clipping extremely matted dogs is charged at an extra £10 on top of your groom.  

​The owner agrees that Snuggles will not be liable for clipper burn, minor nicks or skin irritations on extremely matted, aggressive, or jumpy dogs please be aware that many dogs do not find grooming a pleasurable experience and may not sit still, increasing the likelihood of minor injuries. We will also NOT hold Snuggles dog grooming liable for any after-grooming effects of removing a matted coat.


MUZZLE NEEDED If your dog requires a muzzle, there is an extra charge of £8, putting on a muzzle is not always easy for us as the dog may still try to bite us.​


MISSED APPOINTMENTS   Missed appointments are a substantial loss of income and time that Snuggles can never recoup. I further understand that any appointment cancelled less than 24 hours’ notice will be subject to pay 100% of the grooming price per pet. No further services will be offered until this fee is paid. Emergencies will be considered on an individual basis. Our time and our groomers time has been reserved to groom your dog, and still needs paying unfortunately.


PARASITES   I agree that if during the grooming process, if discovered that my pet has any external parasites fleas, we will treat these conditions at the owners expense. 


AGGRESSIVE/REACTIVE   I agree to inform Snuggles staff of aggressive behaviour,  I understand that snuggles reserves the right to refuse to groom any dog(s) for the health and safety of the groomer and the dog(s).  A muzzle may be used, or services discontinued or refused if snuggles determines that my dog is unsafe to groom, you will still be liable for the full grooming price. Such conditions include but not limited to behaviour issues and health problems.


OVERVIEW   Your dog is extremely important to us at Snuggles, and therefore, we take great care in making your pets experience as pleasant as possible.  Sometimes pre-existing conditions arise unforeseen, such as skin allergies, shampoo allergies, moles, clipper sensitivity, matting and tangles, fleas, ticks, fear, behavioural issues, bone or joint sensitivity, heart condition, seizure, etc. You should ensure that you, as the dog owner, inform Snuggles of anything that you are aware of prior to grooming. I understand that snuggles reserves the right to charge additional fees for services we consider over and above the norm.  I agree to pay all costs for the grooming of my dog including, but not limited to, special handling requirements, de-matting fees, muzzling of my dog, pre-clipping dirty matted fur, parasites, missed appointments and not showing up for your appointment.


By signing the customer card in reception you will be agreeing to our policies.

Thank you for your support and understanding.




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